How to cure psoriasis forever? Causes of psoriasis and its treatment.

The illness of a person acquires in life, experiencing an alternation of relapses and referring. Before writing the article, I talked a lot with the patients with psoriasis about their methods of healing. And today the recipes to share with You.

the treatment of psoriasis

Psoriasis. The causes of the disease

The causes of psoriasis usually are not known to science. Today there are only versions and assumptions, the existence of which, however, is based on direct observation and experience. There are hereditary and acquired psoriasis. Modern scientific research achievements in the development of Allergy, immunology given to understand that this illness develops as an allergic reaction to the presence in the human body foreign antigens: parasites, micro-organisms, non-bacterial allergens. In the study of the causes of psoriasis blood examined 40 people with psoriasis. The results were very surprising: 80 percent of the patients presented a worsening of the disease called fungal infection, 60% is a bacterial infection (Staphylococcus, Streptococcus), 20% food, household, pollen, medicinal allergens. The people of the psoriasis is known as psoriasis, which is manifested in the form of small pink nodules on the surface of the skin, no bigger than a pinhead. However, these nodules have a tendency of rapid growth. In the first small, they merge, forming plaque, the surface of which is covered with a large number of scales silvery – white. These scales fall off very easily-hence the name "psoriasis". Like any ringworm scaly manifested by severe itching, and if you even slightly scratch the afflicted spot, the scales fall away easily, revealing the red (in severe forms wet) glossy surface, which is visible protruding droplets of blood. This is one of the signs of psoriasis. The rash most often appears on the elbows and knees, rarely to the head, but in severe disease, which affects the chest, back, and inguinal areas of the body. If the eruption is very extensive, it is observed redness and swelling. Cracks and itching. General weakness, pain in the joints. On an emotional level, there is a General irritability, depression or lack of appetite, sleep disturbance, sometimes increasing the body temperature. Psoriasis is not just a skin disease! Psoriasis significantly affects the Central nervous system and the glands of secretion internal, on the metabolism. It is believed that their origin can cause frequent colds, sinusitis chronic, periodontal disease and dental caries. Psoriasis is inherent to the clinical stage, with its characteristics, its distinctive traits:

  1. Progressive stage, is expressed by the worsening of the symptoms and the acute course of the disease.
  2. Phase stationary has all the clinical picture and pronounced symptoms.

The hallmark of exudative psoriasis is a very pronounced inflammatory process, is manifested by the presence of multilayer plates and cortex that covers the wet surface. The most severe type of psoriasis is pustular psoriasis. This form occurs in the soil, heavy stress situations and infectious diseases. Pustular psoriasis is the acute course, followed by fever, leukocytosis. Pustules (transformed scales and plates) occupy large areas of the body due to the detachment of the epidermis, which is accompanied by severe burning and suppurative process. This type of psoriasis is able to even be on the palms and soles.

Psoriasis treatment is very diverse. For the lung manifestations of the disease, is enough external therapy. For this purpose, a drying emollient ointments, such as salicylic ointment, the preparations of tar and naphthalene, adaptogens. As a topical treatment of the skin includes an antiseptic natural (100% tea tree oil – which is added to shampoos and gels for the body wash). But it is only events that suppress local inflammation but do not significantly affect the root cause of the disease. But serious forms require a complex treatment consisting of detoxification and desensitizing media. This treatment is only possible in a hospital.

In the treatment of psoriasis an important role in the diet. From the diet excludes foods with high amount of cholesterol (a fatty meat, liver, kidney, egg yolks), remove the salt and spicy food. In its place, they offer sprouted wheat, oats, buckwheat, dairy products, fruits and vegetables. Another useful birch SAP as a drug that cleanses the blood (1-2 glasses per day), effective vitamin teas from hips, currant, nettle. The diet includes salads, parsley and dandelion, which are pre-soak in a 10% saline solution for 30 minutes.

Keep in mind that the psoriasis treatment has to be holistic. Due to the fact that its appearance is due to a mental disorder and neurosis, it is recommended as a sedative to take tincture of Valerian, in severe cases, antidepressants and tranquilizers. Essential medicines are the stabilization of renal function and liver, anti Allergy.

Psoriasis. The recipes of traditional medicine

The traditional medicine has its point of view about the psoriasis, by treatment that uses easily available and also effective recipes of vegetable origin, the so-called corticoids, in particular, licorice root, a teaspoon of which, pour a glass of water and boil for 10 minutes, after an hour of insisting. Take 1 tbsp. up to 5 times a day.

To ensure stimulation of the adrenal glands and antihistaminic action used to extract a series of tripartite, 1 tbsp. spoon which pour 200 ml of boiling water and simmer gently ? the initial volume. Make a tincture 10-30 drops three times a day, 30 minutes before meals for 2 weeks.

To stimulate the metabolism and improve the body's defense prescribed aloe, the leaves of which formed after 12 days of dyeing in a dark place at a temperature of 6 to 8 degrees, biogenic stimulators, amino acids, enzymes, vitamins and minerals. Fresh canned aloe juice take 1 teaspoon three times a day, half an hour before meals. Fresh juice of crushed leaves applied to the affected areas of the skin.

For the normalization of lipid metabolism in the body recommended that these tools are: 1.A decoction of plantain: 1 spoon, pour a glass of boiling water and cook for 5 minutes on low heat. After insisting time and tension. Take 1 tablespoon three times a day 15 minutes before meals. 2.A decoction of dandelion health:1 dessert spoon, pour a glass of water and boil 5 minutes, strain and take PO1-3 tablespoons d'. a tablespoon three times a day 15 minutes before meals. The purpose of the regulation of the metabolism of carbohydrates by using decoction of dandelion root: 1 tablespoon, which is poured into 300 ml of water, boil for 7 minutes and take 1/2 Cup three times a day.

And as an anti-inflammatory agent was used a mixture: grass violet tricolor -10 gr. and herb celandine - 10 gr. pour 300 ml of water, kept in a water bath for 20 minutes. Take 1/4 Cup three times a day 20 minutes before meals. For the treatment of psoriasis in folk medicine, there are recipes for ointments.


The most effective recipes of Lenka and birch tar for the treatment of psoriasis.

Recipe 1: the top of the grass Lenka, grinding into powder, add the lard in the proportion 1:3 (better use of the bone-fat). Ready to warm the ointment in a water bath for 20 minutes and the fat of the affected areas.

Recipe 2: take 60 g of birch tar, 40 g vaseline, 50% alcohol tincture of Sophora. All mix and leave in a dark place for 12 days, stirring each day. Then, lubricate the places affected. Also drink the oil of pumpkin seeds in the morning on an empty stomach half an hour before meals. – 5 months, and Bought the instructions.

To lubricate the form and the oil of peanuts (pharmaceutical preparation). In all the stages of psoriasis effective common baths, where the temperature is 38 degrees, from a series of tinctures, of chamomile. It is recommended frequent wrapping of the affected areas and ointment (herbal). After that the body is not scaly and does not itch, and do you sleep peacefully (for reviews patients with psoriasis with 50 years of experience of the disease).

It is important to know that psoriasis can produce functional and morphological changes in the human body: metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Thus, patients should be under constant medical supervision and receive the support of vitamins, especially in winter and spring. Rational and complex treatment of psoriasis will give you the opportunity for long-term remission. Be healthy!